Residential Construction Consultant
Experience Matters
As in any profession, experience matters. That adage may be even truer in this industry. The more experience a consulting team has with residential construction projects, the more likely they will be able to address those challenges successfully. Our clients generally like to think of us as partners and mentors. When we take on the job, we are just as invested in the project being successful as our client. Secondly, we want you to understand the ins and outs of what it takes for a project to be successfully completed, which generally entails helping our clients, especially new investors, to understand every aspect of the project fully. As we move forward, it makes the business relationship stronger as well as you having growing confidence that we not only know how to get from A to Z as efficiently as possible, but that we also do so taking your concerns to heart. Finally, in this business, time is money, especially for larger residential construction projects. Our experience allows you to avoid many of the pitfalls that can derail a project. Rest assured, we have experienced most challenges that arise on residential construction projects and will already have an idea of the game plan we want to put into play to address the challenge.Some of the services we specialize in are:
- Pre-purchase
- Pre-construction planning
- Evaluation of construction site
- Permitting requirements
- Inspection requirements
- Special condition resolution
- Generating accurate and reliable estimates
- Procurement planning
- Prequalification for bidders
- Bid documentation
- Pre-bid meetings
- Scoping
- Contractor bidding
- Bid reviews
- Pre-aware consultation
- Bid submittal reviews

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Why Choose Us as Your Residential Construction Consultant?

As noted above, experience… that should always be one of your first concerns with any company. How long have the people working for the company you are considering been doing this and doing it successfully?
That experience leads to a proven approach and insights into the construction project that will save you time and money. And, as we all know, time IS money in this industry.
We are flexible in every aspect of the relationship. By this, I mean we can cater our reports to the schedule that suits you best. If you are someone that is always on the go and would prefer email, text, phone, and Zoom meetings, we can make that happen. On the other hand, if you are more of a face-to-face person, we are more than happy to set up in-person meetings to go over the project.
Finally, we offer a FREE consultation to discuss your project. You literally have no financial or commitment risk simply for sitting down with us to discuss your residential construction project. If you are ready to go, give us a call at 888-402-4180 today.
Do I Need Construction Consulting Services?
Ask yourself a quick question… how much is on the line with your residential construction project? This is likely the largest purchase you have ever made, with hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line, if not more than a million. So, do you really want to fly by the seat of your pants on this project and put your trust in someone whose business interests will surely trump your personal wants and needs from the project?
Without the proper experience, you cannot be expected to run a residential construction project on your own. You may be able to handle some aspects of the project, but there are surely going to be issues that arise that will be a head scratcher for you. Using construction consulting services is a way to alleviate that gray area as well as having second set of eyes on the project who only has your priorities as his priorities.
What Does a Construction Consultant Do?
This is not an all-encompassing service, but it will fill most of the voids you have during a construction project. Think of your consultant as your guiding hand throughout the project. The one major difference between a construction consultant and residential construction project manager is the literal daily oversight of the project.
While the consultant may not be on hand every day, he or she will be in regular contact with you regarding the project. The consultant will play a key role in helping you plan and develop your budget, managing contractors, scheduling contractor work times, permitting requirements, bid meetings, generating estimates, and procurement planning, just to name a few.
Keep the Project Moving
One of the biggest reasons for using construction consulting services is to ensure the project continues to move along at all times. There are going to be challenges that arise from time to time on any construction project. The secret is in being able to adapt to these problems and keep the project moving so that it does not go over budget. For instance, if there is a shortage of supplies for the dry wall crew, what else can be moved into that time slot to ensure the flow of work continues but will not impede the work of that crew when they are able to continue.
One word you often hear us talk about regarding these projects is experience, which leads us right to our next point…
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